Friday, January 20, 2012

A week in mobile pictures

Our orchid finally died.  So sad.  I meant to take a picture of it when it had one sad flower bloom left on it but never got around to it.  I received it as a gift after Lil Cinnamon was born and it was so beautiful.  I kept it alive for 4.5 months which is about 4x as long as I've ever kept an orchid alive.  They just hate me, not sure why.  I've heard overwatering is what kills them.  Next time I promise to ignore completely any plant that is given to me.

I'm in "training" for a half marathon next weekend.  Disney's Tinkerbell Half Marathon.  I say "training" because I only started running again 2 weeks ago after taking an entire year off.  I exercised throughout my pregnancy but didn't do any running as it made me incredibly winded.  I can take a year off and get back into the grove in 3 week right?  Probably not.  As long as I'm not the last person to finish I'm ok with whatever my time is.  I run around this lake and it's so peaceful and beautiful.

Last Monday Mr. Sangria, Lil Cinnamon, and myself went to the Staples Center for the LA Clippers vs the NJ Knicks.  Or maybe it was the Nets?  Not sure.  One of my friends had box tickets and invited all of the babies and families from our "Mom and Me" class.  By far the cutest box there.  It was great to go but I didn't watch 1 minute of that game.  Mr. Sangria could not believe we had such great tickets and no one but himself and another dad watched the game.  We were too busy gabbing to be bothered with sports.

Cinnamon Sangria

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 already?!?

Happy 2012 Everyone!
I hope your holidays were filled with cheer. 
Now that Lil Cinnamon is a bit older (4 months now – wow times flies) I’m getting a little bit more time to do things.  She naps longer and sleeps through the night, well most nights.  Fingers crossed it stays this way!
Also Mr. Sangria had 2.5 weeks off at the end of December as his company was closed for the holidays.  That gave me tons of time to get my house organized and such.  So I’m starting 2012 off with a clean slate, almost.  There is still some hoarding/clutter going on in the Sangria household as I can’t quit cold turkey!  But at least now most of my time won't be devoted to organizing.
I’m normally not one for making New Year’s resolutions.  I find them a little hokey.  But call me hokey this year.  By golly, I’m keeping this place clutter free and I’m doing something creative more often.  I should clairify that my house is not dirty, you can eat off the floors,  the problem is clutter and mail.   I curse the credit card companies that send me pre-approval letters on a daily basis.  I have a huge shredding stack that gets larger and larger. 
Back to the point of this post.  Mr. Sangria bought me a necklace back in November that I wear daily.  It has Lil Cinnamon's initial and a diamond.  Love it!  But it’s a wonder that necklace hasn’t been snapped off my neck by now.  It’s only a matter of time as we’ve had some close calls already.  It’s small and dainty but sometimes something else is needed.   So I made this scarf.  It’s great for year round wear.  Summer or winter.  As this 83 degree heat we are having today has me confused as to what season we are in.  Lil Cinnamon can grab and pull all she wants and she won’t break it.  I think it will look great with jeans and a t-shirt. 


Cinnamon Sangria