I live in Southern California. Home to many an earthquake. In my 13 years out here I've been in a few but nothing too major, thankfully! But I'm terrified of them. TERRIFIED! One would ask why I live in an earthquake zone if I'm so scared of them. I had originally planned on moving out here for a few years to "live it up in the big city" after college but then I met my husband and his work keeps us out here so I guess I'm staying put for a while. I've made it very clear that we are moving the day he retires but since we have a few years for that I might as well get comfortable.
I never had an earthquake kit until last year when the big earthquake/tsunami hit Japan. Seeing all that devastation hit me like a ton of bricks. At the time I was pregnant and I guess I realized it could have been us. That week I ran out and stocked up on water and essentials, or so I thought.
I was reading this blog post this morning and it got me thinking. Would I be prepared for an emergency given what I have in my home at this moment? The answer is no. I have water, I have a flashlight, food, first aid kit, baby food, but somehow I forgot diapers and a change of cloths and shoes. And I'm sure there are a few other things I've forgotten. Which is why I'm signing up for this 8 week course. I think it will be very beneficial. If you want to sign up as well please do so.
Topics included will be:
Emergency Preparedness – “Emergency Survival Station”
- Week #1 – STORAGE (Shelving, Backpacks, and Bins)
- Week #2 – BASIC NEEDS (Food & Water)
- Week #3 – MEDICAL (First Aid Kit & Medicine)
- Week #4 – EMERGENCY BINDER & CASH (Important documents & a cash stash)
- Week #5 – SUPPLIES
- Week #6 – PET & HYGIENE KIT
- Week #7 – COMFORT (Clothing, Toys, Games)